Ultimate Guide

HelloEveryone,InthisvideoIwillshowhowtoblockwebsitesusingOpenDNS.,Youneedtocheckwhatdomainsthevideostreamsarehostedonandneedtoblacklistthesedomainnamesortoblocktherelatedcategories.Amoreefficient ...,Ihaveblockedthedomainfacebook.comandtheirIpran...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Blocking websites in your Home Router using OpenDNS

Hello Everyone, In this video I will show how to block websites using OpenDNS.

How can I use Open DNS to prevent video streaming

You need to check what domains the video streams are hosted on and need to blacklist these domain names or to block the related categories. A more efficient ...

How do I block the facebook android app on a router?

I have blocked the domain facebook.com and their Ip ranges on my router however, it just blocks the access to the 'website' when opened on a browser but the ...

How to Block Facebook - DNS Filtering

Navigate to the Custom Domains page in your account, and toggle the configuration to Blocked (read more about Custom Domains and how it works).

how to block facebook video

hey guys i want to block the video on Facebook app. can you help me to solve this.

How to Block Websites on Entire Network using OpenDNS

In this video, i will guide you on how to effectively block websites using OpenDNS. Whether you want to restrict access to certain websites ...

How to setup OpenDNS to block websites like Facebook ...

ក្នុងវីឌីអូនេះយើងនឹងមករៀនអំពីរបៀបតម្លើង OpenDNS នៅលើ Windows ដើម្បី block websites ដូចជា Facebook, Youtube និង websites ផ្សេងៗទៀត.

Is blocking Facebook possible?

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

Web Content Filtering and Security

To manage individual domains, log in to your OpenDNS account, select the network and navigate to Web Content Filtering. Select the action you ...

Which domains can I blacklist to block only videos on Facebook?

I'm using 'OpenDNS Home' + Private DNS set to Automatic/On on my family's Android smartphones, to manually block specific domains, and I ...


HelloEveryone,InthisvideoIwillshowhowtoblockwebsitesusingOpenDNS.,Youneedtocheckwhatdomainsthevideostreamsarehostedonandneedtoblacklistthesedomainnamesortoblocktherelatedcategories.Amoreefficient ...,Ihaveblockedthedomainfacebook.comandtheirIprangesonmyrouterhowever,itjustblockstheaccesstothe'website'whenopenedonabrowserbutthe ...,NavigatetotheCustomDomainspageinyouraccount,andtoggletheconfigu...